Book Store
per item
$13.00 for 1 book
$12.00 each for two books
$11.00 each for three books
$10.00 each for four or more books
Freight and sales taxes are included in these prices. Books will be mailed upon receipt of check. Make Check pay able to and mail to:
1Thessalonians3:2, Inc.
301 Ellis Road
Langhorne, PA 19047-1376
$13.00 for 1 book
$12.00 each for two books
$11.00 each for three books
$10.00 each for four or more books
Freight and sales taxes are included in these prices. Books will be mailed upon receipt of check. Make Check pay able to and mail to:
1Thessalonians3:2, Inc.
301 Ellis Road
Langhorne, PA 19047-1376